
RF Power Amplifier

R&S🄬BBA1509kHz – 6.0GHzRohde&Schwarz9kHz ~ 250MHz  (bandA) 125/160/200/2500W
80MHz ~ 400MHz (bandBC) 70/125/250/500/1000W
800MHz ~ 3.0GHz (bandD) 30/60/110/200/400/1500W
2.5GHz  ~ 6.0GHz (bandE) 30/60/110/200/400/1500W
R&S🄬BBA2009kHz – 225MHzRohde&SchwarzMaximum 10,000W


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Also, we have expertise in high-frequency, microwave, and millimeter-wave measurements other than EMC, and we can help you with more than just what is listed on our home page.
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